Storage Experiments with Cox’s Orange Pippin Apples from a Manurial Trial

Summary Cox’s Orange Pippin apples from a factorial N, P, K manurial trial, with superimposed cultivation and sward treatments, were stored at 370 F. (30 C.) and 320 F. (o° C.) each year from 1953 to 1958 inclusive (except in 1953 when they were stored at 370 F. only). Consistent effects were observed of nitrogen increasing wastage due to Gloeosporium (mainly G. album) rots, and of sward in reducing this wastage. The effect of nitrogen was greatest in the presence of applied phosphate. Consistent effects were observed of potash and of sward in reducing wastage due to low temperature breakdown. The effect of sward was most .marked in the absence of nitrogen. These differences in wastage in store were not related to differences in maturity at picking as measured by the time of onset of the respiration climacteric. They also were not related to differences in cortical cell size.