A View of Keratosis Follicularis (Darier's Disease) as a Neoplastic Process

For the past eight years we have had under our care a remarkable treatment-resistant progressive case of Darier's disease. We should like at this time to summarize certain findings in this patient. Despite the fact that many of these studies are largely of a negative type, they are presented in the hope that they will stimulate further research in this challenging and baffling disease. Report of a Case Case1.—This patient, now 18 years old, was first seen as a boy of 10 years. A scaling pruritic plaque had first appeared on his scalp at the age of 9 years. This rapidly extended over the entire scalp and on to the forehead. At the time of his initial visit he presented the classic keratotic lesion of Darier's disease (Fig. 2). His mother likewise showed skin lesions typical of Darier's disease, and, by history, her sister had the

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