The species of Eimeria in rabbits for meat production in Britain

SUMMARY: Eight species of coccidia were recognized in 596 faeces samples from 3 commercial rabbitries in South East England. The level of infection was related to management methods and at one site it was reduced by an outbreak of mucoid enteritis and/or its treatment with oxytetracycline. In samples from rabbits managed conventionally in wire cages over droppings-pits, 96% contained oocysts and of these, 60% had 1000–10000 oocysts/g. Mixed infections were common, 67% of the animals carrying 2–4 different species. Eimeria media, E. magna and E. perforans occurred most frequently; E. coecicola, E. irresidua and E. flavescens were less common and E. intestinalis and E. piriformis were relatively rare. E. stiedai was not recorded.