On the electronic structure of N,N′-ethylenebis(acetylacetonatiminato)Co(II), Co(II)acacen

Single crystal E.P.R. and cobalt ENDOR measurements on N,N′-ethylenebis(acetylacetonatiminato)Co(II), Coacacen, diluted in Niacacen·1/2 H2O are reported. Forbidden Δm Co = 1,2 transitions in the E.P.R. spectra have been observed. The g-tensor (E.P.R.) and the cobalt hyperfine and quadrupole tensors (ENDOR) have been determined. The g- and cobalt hyperfine tensors are discussed. They support the |2 A 2,yz⟩ groundstate proposed for four coordinated low-spin Schiff base complexes of cobalt(II). The measured quadrupole coupling is also compatible with a |2 A 2,yz⟩ groundstate, if anisotropic contraction of the cobalt 3d orbitals is taken into consideration.