Measurement of the Relative Phase of the KLπ+π AND KSπ+π Decay Amplitudes by "Vacuum Regeneration"

The nonexponential π+π decay of neutral K's, due to the interference of KS and KL in this common channel, has been quantitiatively studied using a beam which is preponderantly K0 at t=0. The value (40±5)° is obtained for argη+ (η+=π+π|T|KLπ+π|T×|KS), using Δmh=(MLMS)h=0.538×1010 sec1; allowing for the current uncertainty in Δm, the error in argη+ becomes ± 12.5°. This result agrees with the predictions of that class of theories which give argη+invtan(2ΔmhΓS), in particular the "superweak" theory, for which this prediction is exact.