Amylin Stimulates Plasma Renin Concentration in Humans

Although insulin resistance and hypertension are commonly associated, the underlying cause for this association remains unknown. Plasma concentrations of the recently described hormone amylin, which is cosecreted with insulin by the pancreatic β cell, are reported to be elevated in various states of insulin resistance, including hypertension and obesity. Preliminary studies by our group have suggested that there are amylin binding sites in the kidney. In nine healthy humans an infusion of human amylin that resulted in steady state plasma amylin levels in the subnanomolar range led to significant increases in plasma renin and aldosterone concentrations. These changes occurred in the absence of significant changes in plasma electrolytes, catecholamines, vasopressin, total renin, or osmolality. Diastolic pressure at 30 minutes and plasma glucose at 60 minutes rose modestly. Since amylin has both metabolic and renal actions, this peptide may be an important link between hypertension, insulin resistan...