Magnetic structure of hexagonalRMnO3(R=Y,Sc):Thermal evolution from neutron powder diffraction data

The magnetic structures of the hexagonal YMnO3 and ScMnO3 oxides (space group P63cm) have been studied by neutron-diffraction experiments on powder samples. This study has been complemented with magnetic susceptibility and specific-heat measurements. They confirm that YMnO3 and ScMnO3 become ordered below TN70 K and TN129 K, respectively, according to a triangular antiferromagnetic structure. The latter compound undergoes a second magnetic transition below 75 K, corresponding to a spin reorientation. The presence of weak ferromagnetism of Dzialoshinskii-Moriya type is observed in all the ordered region for the Sc material. In both compounds the moments are contained in the (a,b) plane and oriented perpendicular (R=Y) or parallel (R=Sc) to the [100] directions. The low-temperature ordered moments are 2.90(2)μB (R=Y) and 3.54(3)μB (R=Sc) at T=1.7 K. The different behavior observed in the thermal evolution of the magnetic structure of both compounds is discussed in terms of geometrical parameters determined from high-resolution structural data. The origin of the weak ferromagnetism in ScMnO3 is also analyzed.