Staff members' acceptance of the introduction of workplace smoking bans in the Australian public service

The acceptability to employees of workplace smoking bans is an important factor in their introduction and in subsequent compliance. This study describes the acceptance by affected staff members before the ban on smoking in Australian public-service premises. Four thousand, two hundred and fifteen (79% of those who were approached) public servants were surveyed from areas of six departments across three states. Twenty-five per cent of the sample were current smokers. Support for the bans was strong, with 76% of the sample approving over all. Approval among smokers was less, with 40% of smokers approving, compared with 82% of ex-smokers and 90% of "never" smokers. Thus, the results show a generally favourable attitudinal milieu among employees who were facing an impending ban on smoking, and far-from-unanimous opposition from smokers. Among smokers, acceptance of the bans was predictable from the attitudes towards smoking in general, and from the perceived impact of the bans on smokers. The existence of restrictions on smoking at the time of the survey was associated with slightly higher levels of approval of the impending total ban, especially when the restrictions were not seen as being imposed on the respondents by others.