A characterization of sets of n points which determine n hyperplanes

Suppose N is a set of points of a d-dimensional incidence space S and {Ha}, a ∈ I, a set of hyperplanes of S such that Hi ∈ {Ha} if and only if Hi ∩ N spans Hi. N is then said to determine {Ha}. We are interested here in the case in which N is a finite set of n points in S and I = {1, 2,…, n}; that is to say when a set of n points determines precisely n hyperplanes. Such a situation occurs in E3, for example, when N spans E3 and is a subset of two (skew) lines, or in E2 if N spans the space and n − 1 of the points are on a line. On the other hand, the n points of a finite projective space determine precisely n hyperplanes so that the structure of a set of n points determining n hyperplanes is not at once transparent.

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