Microinjected Polystyrene Beads Move Along Astral Rays in Sand Dollar Eggs

Movements of polystyrene beads along astral rays of the sperm aster and the mitotic aster were investigated in eggs of the sand dollars, Clypeaster japonicus and Scaphechinus mirabilis. Polystyrene beads injected into the unfertilized egg were at a standstill in the protoplasm. After fertilization, these beads exhibited movements toward the center of the sperm aster along the rays, and finally gathered around the astral center. They were distributed in blastomeres together with the mitotic centers during successive cleavages. When injected into eggs during mitosis, beads moved to the centers of the mitotic asters along astral rays. The injected beads did not move when the aster was disorganized by treatment with Colcemid, and moved when it formed after UV-irradiation. These results indicate that microtubules of astral rays are essential to the movement of polystyrene beads. The movement of small polystyrene beads (0.2-0.3 μm in diameter) resembled the saltatory movement of endogenous cytoplasmic granules, and the movement of large beads (ca. 1 μm in diameter) resembled the female pronuclear migration. All of these movements observed in fertilized eggs were demonstrated to be microtubule-dependent, perhaps sharing the same basic mechanisms.