Plasma Endothelin-1 Concentrations in Patients with Behçet' Disease

Plasma Endothelin-1 (ET-1) concentrations were determined by radio immunoassay in 30 patients with Behçet' disease at various stages and 20 healthy subjects. Mean ET-1 plasma concentrations were significantly (p < 0,001) increased in patients with active Behçet' disease (35,99 ±5,06 fmol/ml, mean ± standard error) compared to concentrations found in healthy volunteers (10,98 ±0,84 fmol/ml). No difference in plasma ET-1 level was observed between patients with inactive Behçet' disease (12,98 ± 1,14 fmol/ml) and volunteers. Increased plasma levels of ET-1 in patients with Behçet' disease may be attributable to increased secretion or leakage of this mitogen from injured vascular endothelial cells. These results indicate that ET-1 may play an important pathogenetic role in the development or progression of vasculitis common to Behçet' disease. Plasma concentrations of ET-1 correlates with the activity of illness.