Associations between a polymorphism in the 11 beta hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type I gene and body composition

We investigated 11 beta hydroxysteriod dehydrogenase type 1 (11βHSD-1) sequence variants in 103 healthy overweight (BMI >2 s.d.) and 160 nonoverweight (BMI –2 to +2 SD) children to examine the associations between body composition and 11βHSD-1 polymorphisms. A total of 4.3% of children were homozygous and 30.0% heterozygous for an adenine insertion in intron 3 (ins4436A). By ANCOVA (adjusting for age, sex, race, and height), BMI-s.d. differed according to ins4436A genotype (Pvs heterozygotes, 0.8±5.5, or wild-type, 1.8±7.5). Homozygotes also had greater waist circumference, waist-to-hip ratio, and insulin resistance indices than heterozygote or wild-type children (all PβHSD-1 gene polymorphism is associated with greater body mass, altered body composition, and insulin resistance in children. 11βHSD-1 may be one of the genes relevant for pediatric-onset obesity and its complications.