Relativistic and quantum electrodynamics corrections to the binding energies of the (J=1,ν=1) states of ddμ and dtμ

The relativistic shift, including the corrections to the binding energy due to vacuum polarization, the hyperfine splitting, and nuclear finite-size effects have been calculated for the (J=1,ν=1) states of ddμ and dtμ. The corrections have been determined by first-order perturbation theory using the nonrelativistic wave functions determined by Alexander and Monkhorst [S. A. Alexander and H. J. Monkhorst, Phys. Rev. A 38, 26 (1988)]. The results show rapid convergence with basis-set size. The overall convergence of the calculations is better than 0.01 meV. The accuracy of the total correction to the binding energies is estimated to be ±0.5 meV.