For 4 rhesus monkeys, mouth-contact responses with either of two brass spouts were reinforced according to fixed-ratio schedules by 0.65-mL liquid deliveries during daily 3-hr sessions. Three experiments were conducted. In each experiment, independent fixed-ratio schedules were concurrently in effect at the two spouts. Following completion of each fixed ratio on a spout, a specified number of liquid deliveries were available from that spout under a continuous-reinforcement schedule. The number of such deliveries available at each spout was manipulated independently. In Experiment 1, a 1-mg/mL pentobarbital solution was simultaneously available with water (the drug vehicle) under concurrent fixed-ratio schedules of 32 responses for 3 subjects and 64 responses for the remaining subject. The number (N) of liquid deliveries that were available after completion of each fixed ratio was varied in the following order: 8, 4, 2, 1, and 8 (retest). For each subject at each condition, drug maintained more responding than water. The number of drug deliveries obtained per session was directly related to the amount of drug available per fixed ratio (i.e., to N), whereas the number of fixed ratios completed per session generally was inversely related to the value of N. In Experiment 2, fixed-ratio size was the same for each subject as in Experiment 1, but deliveries of a 1-mg/mL pentobarbital solution were available at both spouts. The number of drug deliveries available under one fixed-ratio schedule (Ns, the “standard” reinforcer amount) was held at eight, and the number of drug deliveries available under the second schedule (Nc, the “comparison” reinforcer amount) was changed across blocks of six sessions of stable responding in the following order: 1, 2, 4, 8, 4, 2, and 1. The identical series of comparison reinforcer amounts (Nc) was then tested twice more, but with the standard reinforcer (Ns) held first at four and then at two deliveries. Across the three choice series, reinforcing effects were directly related to reinforcer magnitude. In Experiment 3, deliveries of a 1-mg/mL pentobarbital solution again were available at both spouts. However, the two reinforcer amounts were held constant at N = 8 deliveries under one schedule and N = 4 deliveries under the second schedule, and fixed-ratio size was systematically varied. Across the range of fixed-ratio sizes from low to high, the degree to which behavior was better maintained by the larger of the two drug quantities was an inverted U-shaped function of fixed-ratio size. The findings of Experiment 3 are discussed in the context of recent studies that have shown that the relative proportions of behavior maintained by concurrently available reinforcers depend on the absolute values of the concurrent reinforcement conditions, as well as their relative values.