The phenomenon of temperature radiation is described in relativistic form—i. e. in terms not involving the conception of interchange of radiation between bodies at the same temperature, since such radiation, like absolute motion, is unobservable. Temperature is measured, relatively to an arbitrary zero, by the time rate of change of a quantity η, which is closely related to the entropy change of the radiating body, and both η and time are measured by strictly denned thermal processes. Transformation equations, analogous to the Lorentz equations in mechanical relativity, are calculated, for use when the arbitrary zero of temperature is changed, and a thermal “interval,” invariant under such transformations, is derived. The process of temperature radiation is thus given a geometrical interpretation, and takes a form in which the powerful tensor calculus is available for its study. Only the “special” theory is worked out, applicable to bodies radiating at constant temperature, just as the special theory of mechanical relativity refers only to bodies moving with constant velocity. The physical meaning of the concepts employed, and the field of application of the special theory, are discussed, and the method of generalization is indicated.

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