Dielectronic recombination from the ground state of heliumlike carbon ions

The cross section for dielectronic recombination of C4+ ions in the 1s2 ground state has been measured with an energy resolution of ≊2 eV at the heavy-ion storage ring TSR (at Heidelberg) up to the 1s2s(1,3S) and 1s2p(1,3P) excitation thresholds just below 310 eV. Resonance energies and absolute cross sections are found to be well reproduced by theoretical calculations except in a region extending ≊5 eV below the almost degenerate excitation thresholds 1s2s(1S) and 1s2p(3P). These discrepancies imply that theory overestimates the cross section, energy-integrated over all dielectronic resonances, by ≊10%.