Magnaporthe grisea, the causal agent of rice blast, is one of the most destructive fungal pathogens of rice throughout the world. Infection of rice by M. grisea requires the formation of an appressorium, a darkly pigmented, dome-shaped structure. The germ tube tip differentiates into an appressorium following germination of conidia on a leaf surface. When conidia germinate on growth medium or other noninductive surfaces, the emerging germ tube does not differentiate and continues to grow vegetatively. Little is known about the endogenous or exogenous signals controlling the developmental process of infection structure formation. We show here that a hydrophobic surface was sufficient for the induction of the appressorium. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the addition of cAMP, its analogs (8-bromo cAMP and N6-monobutyryl cAMP), or 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine (an inhibitor of phosphodiesterase) to germinating conidia or to vegetative hyphae induced appressorium formation on noninductive surfaces. The identification of cAMP as a mediator of infection structure formation provides a clue to the regulation of this developmental process. Elucidation of the mechanism involved is not only of biological interest but may also provide the basis for new disease control strategies.