Reoperation for bronchial carcinoma.

After a primary operation for bronchial carcinoma, 17 patients underwent reoperation for local recurrence or intrathoracic metastasis (9 squamous cell, 5 alveolar cell and 3 adenocarcinomas). The average interval between the 1st and 2nd operation was 23 mo. (range: 6-48 mo.). Twelve patients had a pneumonectomy after an initial ipsilateral lobectomy. Five patients underwent contralateral wedge excision after initial lobectomy or wedge excision. Three patients died within 30 days of the reoperation. Of the remaining 14 patients, 8 died subsequently, the time of survival averaging 18 mo. (range 3-54 mo.). Six patients are still alive, 2 having survived their reoperation for more than 5 yr. Reoperation for recurrent bronchial carcinoma is rarely performed, but it should be considered in all cases where patients survive operation for lung cancer if the primary operation was considered radical.