Raper, John R. (Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.) The control of sex in fungi. Amer. Jour. Bot. 47(9) : 794–808. 1960.—The control of sexual processes in fungi is imposed at many successive points in the developmental cycle. Two major categories of controlling factors are recognized: (1) a predetermination of future sexual capacity follows from the segregation at meiosis of genetic factors that impose differentiation in respect to sexual sign or incompatibility type; (2) a coordinated progression of interdependent stages, governed by numerous genetic‐metabolic factors, leads to plasmogamy, karyogamy, and meiosis. The major features of these 2 types of control—the several patterns of sexuality of the former and sexual hormones and sequential sexual development of the latter—are reviewed, and the possible relationship between the two levels of control is considered in some detail.