Brillouin–Wigner coupled cluster theory. Fock-space approach

The generalization of coupled cluster (CC) theory is far from being a standard method to account for correlation effects of ubiquitous open-shell systems. This dilemma is largely due to three problems. The first concerns the incorporation of multiple reference “guess” wave functions into nonvariational theories. Next is the size-extensivity issue. Finally, and perhaps most importantly is the notorious intruder state problem. Brillouin–Wigner (BW) and generalized Brillouin–Wigner (gBW) perturbation theories are used to aid in the development of new Fock-space coupled clustertheories in an attempt to alleviate some of these problems. Bloch equations are derived which can be used to formulate BWCC and gBWCC theories of arbitrary dimension in all sectors of Fock space. Since this is our first study of Brillouin–Wigner coupled clustertheories in Fock space we have chosen to keep our approach very simple. Explicit effective Hamiltonian and amplitude equations for up to two-body S-amplitudes in the (0,1) and (1,0) sectors are given for the single reference case. Aspects concerning the connectivity of the amplitude equations are addressed.