Herein the bonding in compounds featuring main‐group elements and with the potential for multiple bonding is studied theoretically by examination of their fragmentation into two fragments that still exhibit the same structure as they had in the molecule prior to dissociation. The fragments were calculated both in their electronic ground state and in an excited electronic state, in which the number of unpaired electrons is equal to the maximal number of bonds in the compounds before dissociation. The energies of the fragmentation processes (ΔEfrag) can be more directly linked to the bond strengths than the dissociation energies (ΔEdiss), because of the absence of any secondary effects like relaxation of the electronic state or of the geometry of the fragments. These relaxation energies of the fragments (ΔEfrag) are also studied herein. The energies derived in this work allow for an accurate comparison of the bonding properties in main‐group‐element hydrides. The trends of the fragmentation and relaxation energies are discussed in detail. It will be shown that the relaxation energies allow for a classification of the bonds (“classical” σ and π bonds or donor–acceptor interactions), while the fragmentation energies are good quantitative measures for the total bond strength. Similar calculations are on the way to explore the bonding in systems in which the hydrogen atoms are replaced by organic groups or halogen atoms.

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