Role of potential structure in nonadiabatic collisions

The role of structure in crossing potential-energy curves upon nonadiabatic collisions is probed by means of functional sensitivity analysis. The inelastic transition [He++Ne(3p6)]22Σ[He++Ne(3p54s)] modeled by a crossing of the corresponding diabatic potential-energy curves (V11 and V22) is used as an illustration. The functional derivatives δσ12(E)/δV11(R), δσ12(E)/δV22(R), and δσ12(E)/δV12(R) of the corresponding nonadiabatic collision cross section σ12 are calculated using the exponential distorted-wave approximation. These functional derivatives offer a quantitative measure of the importance of different regions of the potential [V11(R) and V22(R)] and coupling [V12(R)] functions to the nonadiabatic collision cross section σ12. The prominent Gaussian-like feature of the δσ12(E)/δV12(R) curve in the crossing point region (R∼R*) is found to be in qualitative accord with the δ(R-R*) function idealization of the Landau-Zener-Stueckelberg (LZS) theory.