ESR Measurement of the Reaction between H Atoms and N2H4

An ESR atom detection method has been used to measure the rate of the reaction of H atoms with hydrazine, over the temperature interval 300–540°K. From the Arrhenius plot the specific rate constant for the reaction H+N2H4=N2H3+H2 was found to be (1.5 ± 0.3) × 1012exp[(− 1300 ± 200) / RT] in units of cubic centimeters mole−1·second−1. Although the stoichiometry of the reaction was not determined a possible reaction sequence is deduced from a mass spectrometric analysis of the products. The value of this rate constant is in good agreement with the rate constant of 1.7 × 1011cm3 mole−1·sec−1 measured by Gehring et al. over the temperature interval 251–315°K and the activation energy of 1300 ± 200 cal agrees fairly closely with the 2000 cal measured by Schiavello and Volpi.