Matrix vesicles in newly synthesizing bone observed after ultracryotomy and ultramicroincineration

Matrix vesicles were observed in femurs of 8-day-old chick embryos prepared by ultracryotomy. Some of the sections were subjected to ultramicroincineration. The unfixed tissues never came into contact with solutions, and thereby artifacts due to dissolution, redistribution, or rearrangement of the mineral constituents were avoided. In the osteoid, electron dense objects with the size and appearance of matrix vesicles were seen, although limiting membranes were not visible. After ultramicroincineration the vesicles were observed to contain small crystals and a less dense amorphous mineral material which may be the precursor of bone mineral. In addition, a ring of ash enclosed the crystalline and amorphous mineral and appeared to occupy the position of the vesicle membrane as seen in conventionally prepared material.