Biochemical Studies on Quinone Derivatives. II. Effects of Naturally Occurring Benzoquinone Derivatives on the Respiration of Intact Rat Liver Mitochondria.

Effects of naturally occurring benzoquinone derivatives on rat liver mitochondrial respiration were examined manometrically and polarographically comparing with ubiquinone-0. Dihydroxythymo-quinone, helicobasidin, and dihydroperezone were found to show significant effect on the respiration. At the concentration of 1.0 x 10-5 M, dihydroxythymoquinone eliminated the State-3 respiration completely and for the 50% inhibition of the State-3 respiration it required the concentration of 3.2 x 10-6 M. Helicobasidin was an uncoupler and dihydroperezone showed both an uncoupling action on State-4 respiration and an inhibitory action of State-3 respiration. The other benzoquinone derivatives examined did not show any significant effects on mitochondrial respiration.