Tucker Retrograde Esophageal Dilatation 1924–1974

Emphasis has been placed on a historical review of corrosive ingestion in the last 175 years with particular reference to etiology, diagnostic technique, therapy and sociologic factors. A complete reversal of the medical approach, i.e., from therapy of cicatricial stenosis to prevention of the formation of esophageal stenosis, has occurred. The reasons for and methods of this change have been presented. Tucker retrograde bougienage as a valued technique in the therapy of severe esophageal obstruction has withstood the “test of time.” Its minimal application has to date included many thousands of patients. Current figures from the manufacturer indicate a steady distribution rate of 10 sets/month. Its indication and application has broadened from caustic ingestion to include congenital, acquired, severe esophageal, hypopharyngeal and even cases of laryngeal stenosis. The necessity for the use of Tucker retrograde bougienage has, thankfully, greatly diminished.