Assessment of residency and movement of the endangered bullhead (Cottus gobio) in two Flemish rivers

Abstract –  Residency and movement of bullheads (Cottus gobio) were assessed by mark‐recapture from November 2001 to June 2002 in two Flemish rivers [Steenputbeek (SPB), Laarse Beek (LB)]. Although the majority of the recaptured bullheads (SPB: 66%; LB: 55%) was found in their initial tagging site before the spawning season, some fish had covered distances between 10–100 m (mean: 17 ± 2 m) and 10–70 m (mean: 18 ± 7 m), respectively. During the spawning season, the proportion of fish that moved (SPB: 58%; LB: 75%) and the distances travelled (SPB: between 10 and 90 m, mean 26 ± 3 m; LB: between 30 and 260 m, mean 133 ± 3 m) were significantly larger. In addition, analysis of individual movement behaviour of multiple recaptured bullheads showed that some fish were either always resident or mobile, while others switched between both behaviours. In general, our results suggest that not all bullheads exhibit sedentary behaviour but that the populations under study consist of both stationary and mobile individuals.