Ten novel 11q23 chromosomal partner sites

The MLL gene located at 11q23 has been described as a ‘promiscuous’ gene due its involvement with a large number of genetic partners. The EU Concerted Action Workshop on 11q23 provided 550 cases for study of which 82 showed abnormalities which did not involve the established translocations or deletion of 11q23. In these ‘other’ cases, which included inversions and duplications, 11q23 was found to be involved with 25 chromosome partners of which 10 had not been previously reported. These were 1q31, 4p11, 6q13, 8q21, 10q22, 10q25, 11q11, 11q21, 13q34 and 18q23. This study demonstrated the value of the Workshop, in confirming the diversity of chromosomal partner sites involved with 11q23 and in the identification of new partners.