Baryon magnetic moments in the QCD string approach (the Nonperturbative QCD approach)

  • 24 January 2000
Magnetic moments of baryons composed of light and strange quarks are computed for the first time through the only parameter of the model-- string tension $\sigma$. For example, $\mu_p= m_p/c\sqrt{\sigma},$ $\mu_{\Omega^-}=-\mu_p(1+\frac34 \frac{m^2_s}{c^2\sigma}-{15/32} \frac{m^4_s}{c^4\sigma^2})^{-1}$, where magnetic moments are expressed in nuclear magnetons, $m_p$ is the proton mass, $m_s$ is the strange quark current mass, $c=0.957$ -- a constant which is caluculated in the paper. Resulting theoretical values differ from the experimental ones typically by about 10%.

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