Outdoor use, tonic immobility, heterophil/lymphocyte ratio and feather condition in free-range laying hens of different genotype

1. Movement (frequency of changes) between inside and outside housing areas, time spent in each area, tonic immobility (TI) and differential blood cell counts were studied in relation to feather condition in laying hens of two genotypes, white (LSL) and brown (LT). 2. From 18 weeks of age, LSL and LT were kept in 4 groups of 50 birds in a poultry house with passages to a roofed scratching room and a grassland area with a stocking density of one bird/10 m2. 3. All birds had transponders to record the movements of each hen between inside and outside areas and the time spent in each area during 24 h. Feather scoring was carried out at 6 ages from 20 to 48 weeks. At 44 weeks of age, TI reactions of 40 hens (20 from each genotype) were quantified and blood smears from 20 hens (10 from each genotype) were analysed for differential leucocyte counts. 4. LSL hens moved more frequently to outdoor areas than LT hens (44.66 vs 28.78 least square/d). However, the proportion of time spent on grassland was greater in LT than in LSL hens, whereas time (%) spent by LT hens in the roofed scratching area was less than for LSl hens. 5. In LT hens TI was shorter while heterophil/lymphocyte ratio and basophilia were greater than in LSL hens. 6. Total body feather score was poorer in LSL than in LT hens. Incidence of footpad inflammation was higher in LSL than LT hens. 7. There was a positive association between TI and footpad inflammation. The percentage of time spent on grassland and feather damage were inversely correlated. 8. More movement between the areas, as in LSL hens, was positively associated with fearfulness, whereas long periods on grassland, as in LT hens, were associated with indicators of increased stress. The negative correlation between feather damage and time spent outside suggests that feather pecking risk decreases in birds attracted to grassland.

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