In conjugation fusion occurs along the entire oral surfaces of the proboscides of Dileptus gigas. Two size‐reducing divisions occur in rapid succession immediately preceding conjugation. Only one of the many micronuclei takes part in the process of nuclear reorganization. All other chromatic material is massed at this time in the posterior portions of the conjugants. The pronuclei are derived from the single active micronucleus, and interchange occurs immediately preceding the separation of the mating individuals. The fertilization nucleus divides to form two nuclei of diverse size. The smaller one produces thirty‐two or sixty‐four micronuclei, while the larger one divides to produce a like number of macronuclei, each of which finally breaks up into many chromatic granules which form the numerous densely staining nuclear derivatives which are characteristic of the vegetative stage of Dileptus gigas.In the early stages of this reorganization process specimens are frequently found with from two to eight distinct nuclei often arranged in a series as in a beaded nucleus. This condition probably explains the frequent references in literature regarding such a nuclear condition in Dileptus.Dileptus gigas has, accordingly, in the vegetative stage, a multinucleate condition with reference to the micronucleus and a fragmented or distributed condition with reference to the macronucleus.