Endobronchial laser therapy will be carried out predominantly at obstructing bronchial carcinomas of the major airways. Concerning tumors distal of the bifurcation, corresponding pre-examinations (angiography, bronchography, fluoroscopy) should make it sufficiently probable that, after the recanalization of a bronchus, the patient will have a functional benefit. At noncompletely obstructing tumors an occlusion of the bronchus may be prevented by an endobronchial laser resection. Only then is scarred stenosis suitable, if it concerns membranous changes; longer stenosis bring poor long-term results only. At a larger endobronchial bleeding the laser is not suitable for controlling the hemorrhage. The long-term results of the therapy for benign endobronchial lesions are good. The results of malignant changes depend basically on the localization and on the growth rate of the tumor. With a careful selection of patients very good immediate results may be obtained at nearly all endobronchial lesions.