Macroscopic strings as heavy quarks: Large-N gauge theory and anti-de Sitter supergravity
- 18 December 2001
We study some aspects of Maldacena's large $N$ correspondence between N=4 superconformal gauge theory on D3-brane and maximal supergravity on AdS_5xS_5 by introducing macroscopic strings as heavy (anti)-quark probes. The macroscopic strings are semi-infinite Type IIB strings ending on D3-brane world-volume. We first study deformation and fluctuation of D3-brane when a macroscopic BPS string is attached. We find that both dynamics and boundary conditions agree with those for macroscopic string in anti-de Sitter supergravity. As by-product we clarify how Polchinski's Dirichlet / Neumann open string boundary conditions arise dynamically. We then study non-BPS macroscopic string anti-string pair configuration as physical realization of heavy quark Wilson loop. We obtain quark-antiquark static potential from the supergravity side and find that the potential exhibits nonanalyticity of square-root branch cut in `t Hooft coupling parameter. We put forward the nonanalyticity as prediction for large-N gauge theory at strong `t Hooft coupling limit. By turning on Ramond-Ramond zero-form potential, we also study theta-vacuum angle dependence of the static potential. We finally discuss possible dynamical realization of heavy N-prong string junction and of large-N loop equation via local electric field and string recoil thereof. Throughout comparisons of the AdS-CFT correspondence, we find crucial role played by `geometric duality' between UV and IR scales on directions perpendicular to D3-brane and parallel ones, explaining how AdS5 spacetime geometry emerges out of four-dimensional gauge theory at strong coupling.
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