Replacement of the Bladder by the Urethral Kock Pouch: Functional Results, Urodynamics and Radiological Features

After cystoprostatectomy for cancer of the bladder 43 men were provided with a detubularized, low pressure ileal reservoir (Kock pouch) connected to the urethra. Reflux was prevented by an intussusception valve. There was no operative mortality and few early complications. At followup the mean postoperative observation time was 13 months, with a range of 5 to 20 months. Late complications included manifestations of local tumor recurrence or distant metastases in 9 patients within 6 months postoperatively, which made adequate functional evaluation impossible. In 18 patients reflux to the upper urinary tract due to eversion or sliding of the antireflux valve occurred at various postoperative intervals. In 16 of these patients incontinence developed as a consequence of the reflux. Surgical correction of the failing antireflux valve restored reflux prevention and continence. Within 3 to 6 months the capacity of the reservoirs had reached an ultimate volume of approximately 600 ml. Pressure waves exceeding 40 cm. water seldom occurred in the mature reservoirs and then only at high filling volumes. The mean urethral resting resistance to flow was 64 cm. water. The configuration and function of the upper urinary tract improved or stabilized postoperatively. Of 34 evaluable patients 30 were continent during the day with a voiding frequency of 3 to 5 times and dry at night with a frequency of 0 to 2.