Continuous fermentation to produce xanthan biopolymer: Effect of dilution rate

Single‐stage continuous fermentations to produce xanthan gum have been run at dilution rates (D) from 0.023 to 0.196 hr−1. Xanthan production rate (XPR) was a function ofD. XPR increased from 0.34 g/hr/kg atD= 0.023 hr−1to the maximum 0.84 g/hr/kg atD= ca. 0.15 hr−1. AtD> 0.15 hr−1XPR decreased and at the highestDstudied (0.196 hr−1) was 0.69 g/hr/kg. Yield of xanthan from glucose consumed was 81–89%. Steady states ended between 6.5 and 8.7 turnovers when a variant strain occurred.

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