We investigate the dependence of the gauge couplings on the dilaton field in string effective theories at the one--loop level. First we resolve the discrepancies between statements based on symmetry considerations and explicit calculations in string effective theories on this subject. A calculation of the relevant one--loop scattering amplitudes in string theory gives us further information and allows us to derive the exact form of the corresponding effective Lagrangian. In particular there is no dilaton dependent one--loop correction to the holomorphic $f$--function arising from massive string modes in the loop. In addition we address the coupling of the antisymmetric tensor field to the gauge bosons at one--loop. While the string S--matrix elements are not reproduced using the usual supersymmetric Lagrangian with the chiral superfield representation for the dilaton field, the analogue Lagrangian with the dilaton in a linear multiplet naturally gives the correct answer.

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