Assessing Antibacterial Pharmacoeconomics in the Intensive Care Unit

Intensive care units (ICUs) represent areas of high use of antibacterials and other pharmacy goods and services. Many institutions view their ICUs as a target for drug-use surveillance and cost-containment programmes. Economic assessment of antibacterial interventions in the ICU should include all direct costs and patient outcomes. Nonetheless, many of these institutions focus their efforts at reducing antibacterial costs without considering the consequences of these actions. It is possible that devoting more resources to antibacterials can have an overall positive economic impact if more appropriate antibacterial use reduces length of stay, decreases bacterial resistance or lowers frequency of adverse complications. Two consequences of antibacterial use which can result in substantial economic burdens to institutions are drug-induced complications (toxicities and adverse events) and the development of antibacterial-resistant organisms. These events are logical targets for performing pharmacoeconomic studies to evaluate appropriate and inappropriate antibacterial use. Either of these problems can increase length of stay, which is the single most important variable influencing the overall cost of patient care. The primary goal of patient care is to hasten patients’ clinical improvement. This will result in decreased antibacterial acquisition costs, decreased lengths of leu and hospital stays, and ultimately decreased consumption of hospital resources. These can be accomplished by using strategies to guide antibacterial use in order to reduce failures, adverse events, toxicity and antimicrobial resistance.

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