Performance - Endurance Testing of the Cesium Vapor Thermionic Cavity Generator

Completion of the Performance - Endurance solar test series climaxed an eleven month solar experimental program in support of the "Cavity Vapor Generator" (an assembly of 3 cesium vapor thermionic converters), at the G. E. Spacecraft Dept. Solar Test Facility, Phoenix, Arizona. The program included three segments: 1) calibration of the system components, 2) evaluation of the basic performance of the generator, and 3) Performance - Endurance development solar testing of the generator. Empirical results of the final two parts of the program are covered. A total of forty-nine solar test runs were performed, during which 129 hours were spent at temperatures above 1650°K. Data on generator efficiency, generator power, E-I characteristics, stability with life, misorientation effects, cavity performance (black body), energy balance, and cesium temperature optimization are presented.

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