Infection of mammalian cells with Theileria species

Experiments were carried out to determine the susceptibility of mammalian cells to infection with different species of Theileria in vitro. Sporozoites of Theileria parva (parva), Theileria parva (lawrencei) and Theileria taurotragi were isolated from Rhipicephalus appendiculatus ticks by grinding infected ticks in medium, filtering the suspension and concentrating by centrifugation. The sporozoites were used in attempts to infect in vitro peripheral blood leucocytes harvested from 16 different mammalian species which included 12 species of Bovidae from 6 different sub-families. The technique was shown to be both sensitive and reproducible. The sporozoites of T. parva (parva) infected and transformed cells from 2 species of the sub-family Bovinae, the two cattle types and African buffalo. Theileria parva (lawrencei) infected and transformed cells from the two cattle types, African buffalo and Defassa waterbuck. Theileria taurotragi sporozoites infected in vitro cells from 11 different species of Bovidae which were members of 6 sub-families; Bovinae, Tragelaphinae, Reduncinae, Alcelaphinae, Antilopinae and Caprinae. Transformed lymphoblastoid cell lines were established from 7 of the species infected. Sporozoite attachment and infection was not observed with non-susceptible bovid host cells, nor were any of the non-bovid leucocytes infected by the parasites. The host range observed in this study corresponded to the known host range in vivo.