Singularity clustering in the Duffing oscillator

An asymptotic and numerical study is made of the singularity structure, in the complex t-plane, of the Duffing oscillator. The presence of logarithmic terms in the local psi-series expansion, of the form t4 ln t, leads to a multisheeted singularity structure of great complexity. This structure is built recursively from an elemental pattern which takes the form of four-armed 'stars' of singularities. This construction is deduced analytically from the properties of the mapping z=t4 ln t and is confirmed quite accurately numerically. A systematic resummation of the psi series, in terms of Lame functions, is developed. This series exhibits the same analytic structure at all orders and provides a 'semi-local' analytical representation of the solution which is apparently valid even in the chaotic regime.