Human Sexuality Course Evaluation

A three-day human sexuality program was offered in 1974 to medical, nursing, and graduate psychology students for the second consecutive rear at the University of Cincinnati. The program was designed to cover a wide range of topics: supply accurate information: encourage participants to question, explore, and assess their own sexual attitudes: and help participants develop a more tolerant attitude toward sexual beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors of others. The Sexual Knowledge and Attitude Test and an evaluation form were used to measure students' pre- and postcourse knowledge, attitudes, and opinions. The total group of 186 subjects registered a significant difference between mean scores of the pre- and postcourse tests. When examined separately, nursing and medical students showed significant changes in attitudes and knowledge scores. Results of the three-day program were compared with those of a 'five-day program given the previous year. A profile analysis showed the differences in nursing and medical students in pre- and postcourse scores. An evaluation form demonstrated how each group of students felt about the course. This study documented that human sexuality content should be included in nursing and medical curriculums and demonstrated that an introductory concentrated course is an effective interdisciplinary experience for nursing and medical students.

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