Standard Model correlations between K -> πν\barνdecays and observables in B Physics

  • 6 August 2000
Including the recent preliminary results of BaBar and Belle experiments, we update the currently allowed intervals for various CKM parameters: \bar\rho, \bar\eta, \sin2\beta, \sin2\alpha, \sin^2\gamma. We also update the SM prediction for the rates of the K_L \to \pi^0 \nu \bar\nu and K^+ \to \pi^+ \nu \bar\nu decays, their ratio a_{\pi \nu \bar\nu}, as well as for certain observables related to B Physics like the CP asymmetries a_{\psi K_S} in B^0_d \to J/\psi K_S and a_{\psi \phi} in B^0_s \to J/\psi \phi or the mass differences \Delta m_q (q=d,s) in the B^0_q-\bar B^0_q systems. We investigate the correlations between them. The strongest correlations are between i) a_{\pi \nu \bar\nu} and a_{\psi K_S}, ii) BR(K^+ \to \pi^+ \nu\bar\nu and \Delta m_d/\Delta m_s and iii) \BR(K_L \to \pi^0 \nu \bar\nu) and a_{\psi\phi}. These correlations are likely to be violated in the presence of New Physics and therefore provide stringent tests of the Standard Model.

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