Interval Coding. I. Burst Interspike Intervals as Indicators of Stimulus Intensity

Short interspike intervals such as those that occur during burst firing are hypothesized to be distinct features of the neural code. Although a number of correlations between the occurrence of burst events and aspects of the stimulus have been identified, the relationship between burst characteristics and information transfer is uncertain. Pyramidal cells in the electrosensory lobe of the weakly electric fish, Apteronotus leptorhynchus, respond to dynamic broadband electrosensory stimuli with bursts and isolated spikes. In the present study, we mimic synaptic input during sensory stimulation by direct stimulation of electrosensory pyramidal cells with broadband current in vitro. The pyramidal cells respond to this stimulus with burst interspike intervals (ISIs) that are reliably and precisely correlated with the intensity of stimulus upstrokes. We found burst ISIs must differ by a minimum of 2 ms to discriminate, with low error, differences in stimulus intensity. Based on these results, we define and quantify a candidate interval code for the processing of sensory input. Finally, we demonstrate that interval coding is restricted to short ISIs such as those generated in burst events and that the proposed interval code is distinct from rate and timing codes.