Beta Spectrum ofW187

The β spectrum of W187 has been analyzed with a thoroughly tested Siegbahn-Slatis β-ray spectrometer equipped with a plastic well-type detector, whose counting efficiency is unity down to 50 keV. The highest-energy group (3252+) is nonunique first-forbidden with a logft value 8.0, and it deviates from the statistical shape as a result of the selection-rule effect. Its shape could be fitted with that of a modified Bij approximation, namely, C(W)=q2+9L1L0+D with the value of D=23±3. Though the calculations based on the Nilsson model and the jj coupling shell model predict a deviation from the ξ approximation, only the former could give better agreement with experiment. A detailed analysis of the shape factor yields the end point of the outer group as 1314±2 keV. Subtraction of this outer group, corrected for its shape, revealed inner groups with maximum energies and intensities 625±5 (66%), 453±7 (3%), and 330±10 (5%) keV. Information is also obtained on a few conversion lines which are resolved by the spectrometer.

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