The transmission amplitude for circularly polarized microwaves incident on a slab of interacting electron liquid is calculated assuming the presence of a uniform steady magnetic field directed normal to the faces of the slab. The amplitude is evaluated for field strengths in the neighborhood of cyclotron resonance, a situation which has recently been investigated experimentally by Phillips, Baraff, and Dunifer (PBD). In the calculations presented here, the electron liquid is assumed to be described by Fermi-liquid theory and to interact with the slab faces as though the quasiparticles were scattered diffusely. The results of the calculation indicate that the correlation-produced mode studied by Cheng, Clarke, and Mermin (CCM) should, in fairly thick slabs, produce a secondary maximum in the transmission amplitude at approximately the magnetic field strength for which the mode suffers Doppler-shifted cyclotron resonance. In thin slabs, the calculation indicates that this magnetic field strength is that for which the transmission will be most intense, in contradiction to the PBD observations that the maximum transmission occurs at a magnetic field strength much closer to cyclotron resonance. The calculation agrees with the PBD observation that the transmission is much greater on that side of cyclotron resonance for which the CCM mode can propagate than on the other side, and supports the PBD assertion that this characteristic asymmetry in the transmission spectrum is caused by the presence of electron correlations.