Macromolecular synthesis accompanying the transition from spores to vegetative forms ofStreptomyces granaticolor

The rates of RNA, protein and DNA synthesis were estimated in synchronously germinating spores ofStreptomyces granaticolor. Rapid uptake of labelled precursors of RNA and proteins was observed after 20 s. The germination process took place through a sequence of time + ordered events. RNA synthesis started after 3 min of germination, protein synthesis began at 4 min and net DNA synthesis at 60–70 min of germination. A characteristic feature of germination was the biphasic pattern in the rate of RNA and protein synthesis. Spores ofStreptomyces granaticolor were sensitive to actinomycin D, rifampicin and chloramphenicol even at the start of germination. Protein synthesis during germination was dependent on new mRNA synthesis and was independent during the first 60–70 min on replication of the spore genome.