A dispersion-theory approach provides an exact representation of the two-point correlation function G(q,t)=Ctγg(q2ξ2), where t=(TTc)Tc and ξ is the correlation length, which describes the critical scattering near a second-order phase transition. The threshold property of the spectral weight function F(x3)Img1(x2) is used to motivate an approximation to the scaling function g(x2) based on the asymptotically exact Fisher-Langer approximant gFL(x2)=(C1x2η)(1+C2x(1α)ν+C3x1ν), where α, η, ν are the usual critical exponents. The approximation consists of truncating the spectral function associated with gFL1(x2) in a manner designed to simulate the known threshold property of the exact spectral function, namely F(x3)=0 for x3. The new approximant is checked on the two-dimensional Ising model and shown to agree with the exact result to better than 0.03% for all x. Near four dimensions, the agreement with exact results is also excellent. A phenomenological approach to the intermediate three-dimensional case is presented, and shown to be in good agreement with high-temperature series and ε-expansion results. The dispersion-theory approach is also shown to provide a convenient framework for calculations within the ε expansion and is used to compute g(x2) to O(ε3), a new result.