Pathology of Enzootic Intranasal Tumor in Thirty-eight Goats

Intranasal tumors were studied in 38 goats ranging from 7 months to 8 years of age of both Murciana-Granadina and crossed breeds. Tumors were diagnosed in eight herds. Clinically, the affected goats showed a copious seromucous nasal discharge, ocular protusion, and skull deformations. The tumors originated from the ethmoid region. They involved one or both nasal cavities, although most were bilateral (26/38). The tumors were generally accompanied by inflammatory polyps. The histologic patterns were very similar in all cases, and the tumors were classified as low grade adenocarcinomas of the nasal glands. Histochemical, immunohistochemical, and ultrastructural studies suggested that the serous glands of nasal mucosa were the probable origin of the neoplastic cells. Budding and extracellular retrovirus-like particles were observed ultra-structurally in 6/8 tumors. The similarities between these caprine tumors and nasal tumors in sheep and the etiologic role of the retrovirus are discussed.