Metal-Insulator Transitions in Pure and DopedV2O3

The addition of Ti3+ and Mg2+ to V2 O3 leads to the suppression of the antiferromagnetic insulating phase; whereas the addition of Ti4+, Zr4+, and Fe3+ results in a first-order transition from a metallic to an insulating state. The effect of impurity ions is discussed in terms of the changes they cause in the bandwidth in analogy with the effect of pressure. The Hall coefficient of metallic V2 O3 at 4.2 °K and 20 kbar is RH=+(3.5±0.4)×104 cm3/C which is close to the value measured at 150 °K and 1 atm. The residual resistivity of metallic V2 O3 is strongly impurity dependent (140 μΩ cm/at.% Cr and 35 μΩ cm/at.% Ti). These results are not completely consistent with current theories for the metal-insulator transition in V2 O3 but the best available model still seems to involve a localized-to-nonlocalized transition within the d band primarily involving orbitals in the basal plane.