Spray Deposition of Clopyralid on Honey Mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa)

Greenhouse and laboratory experiments were conducted to evaluate the influence of clopyralid formulation, spray droplet size, and spray volume on deposit of clopyralid on greenhouse-grown honey mesquite. The addition of surfactant WK at 0.5% (v/v) of the spray solution caused a twofold increase in deposition of spray of the monoethanolamine salt (MEA) of clopyralid but not the oleylamine salt (OLA). There were no differences in spray deposit between spray droplet size spectrums of 160 or 330 μm Dv.5 or spray solution applications of 47 or 187 L ha-1. Dye and gas chromatography measurements of spray deposit of clopyralid compared favorably except where surfactant WK was used with the OLA formulation.